NHS Grampian offers free access to two apps that provide Cognitive Behavioural Therapy based tools. They are both provided by a company called Big Health. They are designed by clinical experts and are funded by the Scottish government.
The apps support you to manage symptoms of sleeping difficulties (Sleepio) and anxiety (Daylight).

- Sleepio requires a weekly 10 minute log-in for 6 weeks
- You will be supported to monitor your sleep and identify problems
- You will supported to use CBT techniques to improve your sleep
- 54% of people that use Sleepio fall asleep faster and 62% spend less time awake at night
Watch the video below to learn more about Sleepio:
Follow the link below to access Sleepio:

- You can use Daylight at any time with no restrictions
- You will be supported to understand the symptoms of your anxiety
- You will be supported to use CBT techniques to improve your symptoms of anxiety
- 71% of users experienced improvements in anxiety, 54% reported improvements in overall mood.
Watch the video below to learn more about Daylight:
Follow the link below to access Daylight:
Find out more about Sleepio and Daylight on our Frequently Asked Questions page below.
Frequently Asked Questions (Sleepio & Daylight)
Who can use Sleepio and Daylight?
Sleepio and Daylight are suitable for people with mild – moderate symptoms.
What are the benefits of Daylight and Sleepio?
Sleepio and Daylight:
- are free to anyone living in Scotland
- are available to access immediately and at any time
- allow you to manage your symptoms independently with expert advice