NHS Grampian offers computerised Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (cCBT) packages using SilverCloud by Amwell – an online platform that helps you to learn new strategies to overcome spells of depression and anxiety. It is designed by clinical experts and funded by the Scottish government. SilverCloud is free to use and has no waiting list, meaning that you can get started really quickly.
Watch the video below to learn more about SilverCloud:
SilverCloud has a range of programmes available, some are self-referral that you can access immediately and some require a referral from a GP or Occupational Health Professional.
SilverCloud’s Wellbeing Programmes are tools that available to enhance your wellbeing. You can access them now. To give them a go, you can press the button below and enter the access code: Scotland2020
To find out more about Self-Referral programmes, see our frequently asked questions below.
Referral Required
There are a number of mental health cCBT programmes. To access these programmes, a self referral needs to be made to Grampian Occupational Health.
When you are referred to the programmes you will be allocated a Supporter.
- This is a counsellor working within Occupational Health who has been trained to provide you with feedback and support as you move along the modules.
- Your supporter will send you a personal written message on the platform up to four times, approximately once every three weeks.
- Although the feedback from your Supporter will come to an end, you will continue to have access to the platform to engage with the modules or refresh your memory.
To find out more about programmes that require a referral, see our frequently asked questions below.
Frequently Asked Questions (SilverCloud)
How can SilverCloud help me?
- SilverCloud will support you to understand the symptoms of anxiety and depression, and introduce you to different CBT based tools and techniques.
- You will be shown some examples of other people who have experienced similar difficulties, and will have the opportunity to try some interactive quizzes about mental health.
- You will have access to different tools, like a diary, which will support you to reflect upon your own experience with your mental health.
Who can use SilverCloud?
SilverCloud is suitable for anyone experiencing mild – moderate symptoms of depression or anxiety, who are not currently experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide.
What are the benefits of SilverCloud?
Some of the benefits to using SilverCloud computerised CBT packages include:
- You can access SilverCloud from anywhere that you can connect to the internet.
- You can work through the programme at the pace that feels best for you, we recommend that around 6-8 weeks is a good time frame to have read all of the modules.
- SilverCloud is most effective when part of your daily or weekly routine, and you can choose when to make regular use of the programme. This could be in the morning or evening, fitting around your responsibilities.
- Even the referral programmes have no waiting list – you can get started really quickly.
What self-referral programmes are available?
For adults:
For adult students:
- Space for Money Worries (for students)
- Space for Resilience (for students)
- Space from Stress (for students)
For Parents/Carers:
What programmes require a referral?
The referral programmes include:
- Depression
- Anxiety
- Depression and Anxiety
- Worry
- Panic
- Specific Fears (Phobias)
- Obsessions and Compulsions
- Health focused Anxiety
- Social focused Anxiety
Mental health difficulties arising from long term physical health conditions, including:
- Chronic Pain
- Diabetes
- Coronary Heart Disease
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Lung Conditions
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Breast Cancer
Can I learn more about the Supporter allocated in programmes that require a referral?
- Your supporter is a trained professional.
- They can see what you write onto your account, and you can choose how much or how little you wish to share with them.
- Your supporter will use their knowledge of the programme and CBT to help you apply the material to your own experience.
- You will always be made aware of when you will receive your next message on your “review date”.
- This message will be sent through the online platform, so it’s always secure and confidential.
- It is not possible to have a live chat with your supporter, and they will only be able to send a message on the specified review dates.
- Please do leave your Supporter a message with any queries or concerns, and they will try to help in the best way that they can.